Monday 24 February 2014

Assignment treat!

So today was an excellent day for me! I've got back to work childminding , followed by 700 calories worth of sweating in the gym (I'm sure i'll be telling you all about my new health kick soon) then I ventured into university to pick up an assignment and holy shit was i dreading it. I've had a bit of a roller coaster with my marks this year which isn't good enough for final year to be honest. So i definitely felt nervous for this one! But praise the lord , I picked it up and got 75% a first! In an utter fantastic mood with myself I headed into town to treat myself (only primark treats though since I have £35 left till Thursday) .
I already kind of knew what I had in my mind thanks to a wonderful girl on instagram (@Charlottefischer btw) and my new found love for co-ord sets. Enter the primark version - only £25 and could probably just about pass as a topshop version.
Let me know what you think!

Hula Hula


  1. Such a lovely outfit and you'd never think it was a primark bargain!

  2. just seen this, so good isn't it! seen such a lot of bloggers looking amazing in it!
